Building a More Attractive Profession

Trust me, this has nothing to do with physical appearance and everything to do with how accounting is perceived and practiced. In this recent podcast interview with Accounting Today Editor Dan Hood, I share my thoughts on what it’s going to take for this profession to truly progress and even sustain itself.

Stress Management for Overworked Accountants

As part of my Tax Chat series with CPA Trendlines, I had a very pointed discussion with Randy Crabtree, CPA, about the need for accountants to properly manage stress during the busiest times of the year and throughout their lives.

How is it Going For You?

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For accounting professionals, especially those that are tax-focused, this time of year can be particularly trying. But never forget, you have a community there to support you, and the best way to do so is just to check in with your colleagues. Taking the time just to see if someone in your profession, whether you… Continue reading How is it Going For You?

What No One Tells You About Starting a CAS Practice

Client Advisory Services, or CAS, has for years been touted as the ‘savior’ of the accounting profession, but few have provided a true roadmap (with pitfalls included). The promise to accounting firms is higher revenue, and not needing to work with as many clients is attractive. Unfortunately, there are aspects of starting a CAS practice… Continue reading What No One Tells You About Starting a CAS Practice

Get Your Clients into Compliance

IRS Tax Audit. African Auditor Doing Debt Fraud Inspection

Tax notices from the IRS are coming, particularly for high-earning clients. While most in the know have been saying for a while now about this coming “wave,” you ultimately need to prepare your clients for compliance, remittance, and resolution. While I did not write this piece, I did speak to and edit it for Eric… Continue reading Get Your Clients into Compliance

What Can Accountants Do When They Hit a Wall?

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Tax season can often feel like running a marathon, and much like those runners, tax pros can also hit “the wall,” usually right around now. You feel it physically and mentally. Calls and emails are coming in about the most basic questions. You’ve been on the phone with the IRS for too many hours to count. The 10th… Continue reading What Can Accountants Do When They Hit a Wall?