Take a Break and Chat This Tax Season

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While for some tax pros, “busy season” is a bit of a misnomer as they feel it never really ends for them, there’s no denying that between January and April, things get a bit more intense. So, why not take a break and maybe learn a thing or two?

We all need excuses to step away from our work. Exercise is great, even if it’s just a short walk. But if you’re the type that still has trouble getting up from the desk and you want to focus on something other than returns, balance sheets, or maybe you’re on hold with the IRS for the next hour or so, here’s an alternative for you.

Beginning in mid-February and running through the income tax deadline (which hasn’t been moved yet, and isn’t likely to), I’ve partnered with CPA Trendlines to bring you: Tax Chat!

What is Tax Chat?

Overall, it’s a new, co-branded series (Accountants Forward & CPA Trendlines) where I have a Live, one-on-one chat with industry experts about top-of-mind issues during one of the busiest times of the year for tax pros and accounting professionals. Registration will be Free, and the chats will last 30-40 min., bringing you what you need to know along with a well-needed break in your day.

Here’s the layout (actual dates and times not finalized, but watch CPA Trendlines for updates)!

1. Tax Resolution as a Service (Feb 22, time TBD)

Confirmed Guest Speaker: Eric L. Green, Founder, The Tax Rep Network

Overview: As we march into Tax Season, there are always unpredictable things. But you can always count on business clients owing payroll or some other form of back taxes. Helping them resolve this with the IRS may be one of the greatest services you can provide as a tax pro. Here’s Tax Attorney Eric L. Greene to discuss the ins and outs of not only providing this value-added service, but how to partner with a tax attorney, the various forms of resolution, and commonly overlooked items in the books that could lead to further financial burden for your clients’ business.

2. What To Do When You Hit a Wall (March 8)

Confirmed Guest Speaker: Randy Crabtree, CPA, co-founder, Tri-Merit Group

Overview: Tax season can often feel like running a marathon, and much like those runners, tax pros can also hit “the wall.” What do you do when you have That feeling you really can’t go on and want to pack it all in? Practitioners always seem to manage, but is that enough? Your mental and physical health need to take priority, even at the busiest of times. Randy Crabtree, CPA has been there. In this session you will learn some real steps you can take right now and going forward to ensure you put You first, can get through the “wall” and are still able to balance life and work. All of this while delivering the quality your clients expect and will continue to pay more for.

3. Best Ways to Communicate Your Needs at Busiest Time (approx. Mar 21/22)

Guest: TBD

Overview: One of the key frustrations during tax season is client communication. Often times it’s on their end, not sharing with you exactly what you need when you need it (after you sent your organizers and emails). But is there a better way to Both get what you want? This session we speak to XXX to learn about what you can do to improve communications and overall client interactions to reduce the “back and forth,” how to best complete and share forms, and be upfront with where and when things need to happen to ensure a smoother overall tax season and prevent mistakes or miscommunications.

4. Assessing the Value of Your Firm (approx. Apr 18/19)

Guest: TBD

Overview: With another tax season in the books, it’s a time for decompression, but also reflection and reassessment. What went well, what didn’t, do I still want to continue with the practice I have? Should I sell or grow and if so, how? If you’ve come to the latter decision, ask yourself what is your firm really worth? Do you know the true value of what you’ve built? In our discussion with XXX we will help you assess that value, what you may need to do to build it, what your options are for growth or succession, and more.

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