Obligatory New Year’s Post

Image by tawatchai07 on Freepik

Now that I have your attention, yes it is that time of year again. Time for thank-yous, reflections, and predictions. Hopes and dreams are laid bare as we’ve rounded our star once more and begin anew according to the Roman calendar.

Personally, yes this was a big one for me and there is NO way it would have been possible without much of your support and faith in what I can do. So yes, first and foremost: Thank You! For following, for messaging, for allowing my newsletter to clog up your inbox, and for all you have done for me and my brand. This only the beginning!

While travel was not in the cards for me during the last week of the year, as it had been in the past in better times, it was not wasted. While I was able to enjoy some personal time with family and friends, I did spend a good part of the final days of 2023 reaching out to those I’ve worked with and/or supported me in some way, over the past year and thanked them personally. I wanted to continue that here with you, my readers and followers.

Backing up to 18 months ago, when AccountingWEB.com closed its doors at the end of the summer of 2022, I was left with a decision. Many of you got in my ear with a simple message: “stay.” I heard you, and continue to.

My dedication and attention to the accounting profession, and the companies and entities that serve it, has not waivered. It has, in fact, emboldened me to create Accountants Forward (my consulting business), a website courtesy of AFO Wealth Management Forward, as well as a weekly newsletter that now reaches nearly 400K accounting professionals, thanks to CPA Trendlines and Devmatics.

Accountants Forward is not just my company, it is my belief in this great profession that it can, and needs to progress in numerous ways. It is also my promise to all that have a role in it that I will do my part to help see it move in that direction.

It was a year that saw many new live events, some of which I got to, and will continue to, play a part in their respective success. Specifically, the tax and accounting profession saw the rise of Accounting Today’s Firm Growth Forum, Tri-Merit Group’s Bridging The Gap as well as Tax Twitter Retreat, which was literally born out of the eponymous social media connections, and of course Western CPE’s New Money Summit.

It tells me something I’ve long known; that accountants need each other. They need in-person connection to not only learn from leaders, but doers…their colleagues. They need to feel safe to share, laugh, cry, yell and just be authentic. You all give that to each other in abundance. I see you and can’t wait for what comes next.

Lots of work is still to be done. Service providers need to listen to you and partner with you more. You need to be more inclusive at all levels. And above all you need to put life first in balancing work and personal priorities. Pay and get paid what is right for the expertise, uniqueness and importance of what it means to be an accounting professional.

I look forward to being there for your journey. Again, thank you as ever for allowing me to listen, support, and be a part of the success and growth of this Amazing profession. A safe, successful, and Happy New Year to all!

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