The AFOT Survey is BACK!

For nine straight years now, the Accounting Firm Operations and Technology (AFOT) survey has been one of the bellwethers of firm adoption and overall trends in accounting tech and related decisions.

In my various editorial roles I’ve regularly promoted it, covered the results, and spoke to other firms about their views as well. With the profession and accounting tech in general reaching a point of inflection, as I’ve publicized before, this year’s AFOT survey bears that weight and promises to be quite revealing.

The AFOT survey will remain open until Sept. 1, with results being published in an eBook in November. It will continue to remain a free resource delivered to practicing accounting, tax and bookkeeping professionals who complete the survey.

Facts about the Survey:

·       Take the survey, get the $495 Survey results eBook, FREE OF CHARGE.

·       74 survey questions.

·       30 minutes is the average amount of time required to complete the survey.

·       Only one survey respondent per firm is required; the survey respondent will receive the AFOT Survey eBook via email on or before December 1, 2023.

·       Who is the best person to take the survey in your firm? The person most familiar with operations, practice management and technology and how decisions in the firm are made.

Survey areas include:

  • Demographics
  • Practice Management
  • Technology Management
  • Operating Systems
  • Computer Hardware
  • Application Software
  • File and Data Storage/Management
  • Remote Access/Internet/Telecommunications
  • Technology Spending, Decision-making
  • Annoyances and Trends

I’m personally very grateful that Randy Johnston and Brian Tankersley continue their tireless efforts to stay on top of these ever changing machinations in accounting tech. I sincerely hope that you all take the time to participate in this year’s survey. I always look forward to the results and I’ll be sure to publicize the top-line findings and, of course, add in my own personal views when they become available.

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