Survey Looks at Accountant Work Life

Much has been written and studied about accountants leaving the profession, and the dwindling “pipeline” of new professionals coming in, with “burnout” being one of the key factors. But is it?

Randy Crabtree, CPA’s company, Tri-Merit Group and I intend to find out, starting with a new survey that looks into just what accountants’ work lives are like at their firms. The research, entitled the Accountants Annual Professional Satisfaction Survey, will be just one part of a larger effort to find out not only what work life is really like but also what causes professionals to leave, where they go, and if they are more satisfied with their next chapter.

The survey itself is short and pointed and goes into what you do, how you do it, and how often, as well as how your firm and your clients treat you, and ultimately your feelings about all of it.

The results will be totally anonymous and you will also have two opportunities to receive advanced results. The first is by attending the Bridging the Gap conference July 22–24 in Rosemont, Ill., where Randy and I will share our initial findings with all attendees.

If you are unable to attend but have participated in the survey, we will send you an advanced copy of the results prior to publishing them to the accounting world at large. Sound good? We hope so. Please take a few (seriously, it’s not long at all) minutes of your time and take this anonymous survey.

We all want to see accounting do better and be a welcome place to work and grow. Moreover, we want firm leaders to get the message about how to instill practices and policies that do just that for the future of this great profession!


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