The Convergence of Tax and Wealth Management

I am incredibly honored to have the foreword, a full chapter, in a new book about how tax and accounting professionals can play an integral role in client wealth management.

In Rory Henry, CFP®, BFA™’s new book Holistic Guide to Wealth Management: The Science Behind Integrating Services with The Human Side of Behavioral Financial Advice(CPA Trendlines 2025), I explain how the time is ripe for accountants to embrace wealth management. Specifically, as an increasing number of firms look to establish their long-term value and make a true return on the relationships they already have, advising on wealth management issues is a natural progression.

Moreover, much like in payroll, HR, technology, and other areas not traditionally in an accountant’s wheelhouse, partnering with established wealth management service providers, your corporate and high-net-worth clients are positioned to win, as are you.

For too long, accountants and wealth managers have operated in silos when it comes to providing specialized financial advice to their clients. Because they often don’t speak with each other or collaborate, their well-intended advice can be contradictory and ill-timed, leaving clients overwhelmed or confused.

“Those days are over if you want to remain relevant,” asserted lead author Henry, a director at Arrowroot Family Office and host of the AFO Wealth Management Forward podcast.

Henry has spent his career at the intersection of accounting, wealth management, and technology. He and his three dozen expert contributors espouse a holistic and integrated approach to financial advice with the CPA as the “flywheel” at the center of the client relationship. Thanks to advances in technology and the “virtual family office model,” Henry said CPAs can provide clients with specialized expertise in accounting, tax, estate, insurance, legal, philanthropic, investment, and administrative matters—all while remaining the client’s most trusted advisor and central point of contact.

“If you’re hanging your hat on knowledge about the tax code and investment theory, how can you stay competitive as an advisor when AI makes it simple for anyone to look up all those things (and more) in a matter of seconds?” asked Henry. “It all comes down to relationships and the human side of advice,” added Henry. “It’s about helping clients make the necessary changes in their personal and financial lives to achieve peace of mind and fulfillment.”

That’s why Henry created the term “Advis-ROR® to help CPAs and other advisors maximize their Return on Relationship (ROR) with clients, beyond simply earning fees, preparing their taxes, and accumulating assets to manage.

Click here to order a copy of Holistic Guide to Wealth Management: The Science Behind Integrating Services with the Human Side of Advice.

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