Where Does Your Support Come From?

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Whether you are a solo practitioner or larger firm owner or manager, there comes a time when you need to be and feel supported. As such, I ask you straight up: who/whom do you turn to for support, and where does it come from in general?

I’ve often touted the power of community and just having a network in general; that is key for your own growth and the betterment of the business you run. But when things become challenging, you need to know that it is OK not to have all of the answers or even to feel at a loss. It is times like these that you need to know where to turn.

When you hit these moments, you need to have a clear sense of when it’s happening and, of course, where you can go when you just don’t know exactly how to take that next step.

We all love lists, so I’ve put together a short one that I believe will offer some decent suggestions of where to find, or even just remind you of, the support you need at the most needful (or even just confusing) times.

1. Find Your People

I’ve said this many times to accountants I meet, or anyone in the profession questioning about getting out to live events. When you have connected with like-minded individuals, or even those that are on a similar path in their business, you have found “your people.”

What I mean by this is, no matter what you are struggling with, there is always someone who is or has been in a similar position to you. Maybe they’ve figured it out, maybe they haven’t. The value of these individuals is they can empathize, commiserate, and ultimately teach you that it is OK to not be OK and how to get to the next phase.

Whether it’s a software platform evaluation, growing a new service, a staff or client issue, or just what to do when you just can’t get through to the IRS. Someone’s been there, done that, or has a recent experience they can share.

These are the people that will be there for you when you don’t want to burden friends, family or a partner. They are ‘”your people” and they need you too.

2. Get to a Live Event

One clear way to find your people is, of course, being among them, and in my view, there’s no better way to do that than attending a live conference or industry event. It can be an independent or hosted by a vendor that you partner with; either way, there will be people there looking to learn not only from the speakers but from each other.

And make no mistake, attending live events isn’t just about what happens there in sessions, but in the hallways, at the breaks, and at the social meetups. This is where connections are made that last (hopefully) well beyond the event itself.

In short, when events are purposeful and topical and have your best interests in mind, you will find others in the same situation. They need to learn from you as much as you do from them. Keeping those connections throughout the year is invaluable not only when things become complicated, but when it is time to celebrate as well.

It’s often been said that going alone may get you somewhere fast, but going together will get you further. This cannot be reiterated enough when it comes to staying and growing in the accounting profession. Finding and retaining this system of support is paramount, and attending at least one live event per year is your best chance at meeting and reconnecting with them.

3. Who You Hire or Partner With

Sometimes you don’t have to look far at all to find your support system. Moreover, when you are building the business you want, think of the people you surround yourself with…literally.

Whom you hire or partner with can make all the difference in your professional life. This doesn’t mean create an “echo chamber,” but rather be mindful of the role these individuals play.

After all, you choose them and as such, each can have a role in supporting your vision, plans, and state of mind. Sometimes this support can be in the form of a foil, someone who challenges you or pushes you to be a better you and may even question your plans and vision.

Remember, you have a say in the support you think you may need now and in the future. Make the right choice for the growth of your business and yourself.

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